Penang Public Speaking Class

Student Leadership

The journey to become an effective leader as an adult starts today.

Success in life depends in a big way on one’s ability to help, motivate and inspire others, and these are the skills and aptitudes which we aim to nurture in all our students.

We believe that leadership is about thinking and acting collaboratively. In all learning environments, our students are encouraged to work with their peers – canvassing and understanding the perspectives of others, engaging in open and inclusive discussions, and developing solutions that work for all.

Beyond the classroom, our students can learn the art of leadership by:

Becoming a School Captain or Vice-Captain
Becoming a House Captain or Vice-Captain
Being a School Council Committee Member
Taking a leadership role in our Straits Dragons sports team
Taking a leadership role in our annual performances
Becoming a Library Monitor
Being part of the EdTech Committee
Being a Straits Hero by joining our service and charity committees

Community Volunteering

Students have the opportunity to grow their leadership skills within the community by volunteering for the school’s charities or participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Our passionate volunteers gain different perspectives, build relationships, and master new skills outside the classroom. You’ll see Straits students growing their people skills by communicating with charity founders, residents in senior care and young people in support homes. Learning the value of diversity, mutual respect and strong communication.

“Our students are happily active – whether they’re taking part in musical performances, beach clean ups or supporting people with dementia, they are ready to make a difference where they live, and around the world.”
Ms Karlie Walsh, Campus Principal